Gifts to the Bemidji Show Choirs make it possible to achieve our work of training young men and women to be outstanding musicians, performers, and citizens. Your donation will help them develop a sense of poise and self-confidence through education, performance, and competition. We challenge our students to the highest standards of choral music and performance and we nurture the development of exceptional character and citizenship.
If you are an alum, parent or friend, you know the amazing impact of the Bemidji Choirs. By making a gift, you are affirming the Bemidji Choirs’ mission and enabling us to continue to foster the development of exceptional young men and women and bring beautiful music and performances to our community.
There are many ways to give to the Bemidji Choirs. The most common is an outright gift of cash, stocks, or property during your lifetime, for which you receive an immediate income tax deduction. Other methods of giving may be more appropriate for you. Please contact us to explore other options. Your tax-deductible donation will make a difference in the lives of these young men and women by providing show choir tuition assistance and scholarships for students with financial needs.
Thank you for your investment in the Bemidji Choirs!
Every donation over $100 will be listed on our website for one year.